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Image by Priscilla Du Preez

Discussion questions

These questions can be used by you alone, with a friend, or your Faith Group to discuss "Building A Blended Family" preached October 13, 2024. This is the second message in the series "Modern Family." This 4-part series examines principles from Scripture concerning marriage, parenting, and family. We will apply these principles to traditional families but make special application to blended families. The hope is to improve our church's understanding of blended families, learn to demonstrate mercy and compassion, and serve each other better in the Spirit of Christ.


Open your group with a prayer. Use these questions as a guide; select the points you want to discuss.


  1. If you could design your dream house, what’s one feature you’d absolutely include?

  2. What’s your favorite family tradition? Why does it stand out to you?

  3. When you think of the word ‘family,’ what’s the first thing that comes to mind?

  4. What’s one thing your family does that always makes you laugh?

  5. Have you ever had to make a big change to your home (like an addition or repair)? How did it turn out?



  1. What does it mean that the family is “God’s blueprint” for society? Consider how this divine design impacts not just individual families, but society as a whole.

  2. Why do you think today’s culture places such emphasis on individualism and personal fulfillment over family commitment? Look up Philippians 2:3-4. How does Paul’s teaching about humility and valuing others over ourselves contrast with cultural trends?

  3. The sermon mentions that technology, while helpful, has caused isolation in families. How can families practically guard against digital distractions? 

  4. Look up Ephesians 5:15-16. What does it mean to “make the most of every opportunity” in the context of family relationships?

  5. How does the concept of God as Father shape our understanding of human family relationships? Refer to Ephesians 3:14-15. How should this reality affect the way we see our role as fathers, mothers, children, or siblings within the family?

  6. In blended families, the sermon spoke about the need for patience and “crockpot” relationships rather than trying to blend too quickly. How can this concept of slow-cooking relationships apply to all families, not just blended ones?

  7. What are the biggest challenges for Christian families today in raising children to follow Christ? Read Deuteronomy 6:6-7. How can parents make faith a natural part of everyday life for their children, as this passage encourages?

  8. The sermon emphasized that families transmit faith and values. How can a family intentionally live this out? How do Proverbs 22:6 and Ephesians 6:4 guide the way parents should train their children in faith?

  9. Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 7:24-27 speaks about building a house on the rock versus sand. How can families practically “build their house” on the rock of Christ’s teachings?

  10. Blended families often face unique challenges, such as divided loyalties and emotional complexities. What spiritual principles should guide step-parents and biological parents in navigating these challenges? Reflect on Colossians 3:12-14. How can qualities like compassion, patience, and forgiveness be applied in these complex family dynamics?

  11. What role should the Church play in supporting and encouraging families, particularly blended families? Consider 1 Timothy 5:1-2. How can the Church be a model of familial relationships and a source of encouragement for families who are struggling?



  1. What is one step you can take this week to strengthen the spiritual foundation of your family?

  2. For those in blended families, how can you foster more patience and grace in your family relationships? Reflect on specific situations where you can apply the "crockpot" approach to blending relationships slowly and with love.

  3. How can we, as a church, better support families—especially blended families—who may be facing unique challenges?

  4. Think of one family member or close relationship where there’s tension or misunderstanding. What steps can you take to bring healing and restore unity?

  5. What are some ways you can be more intentional about teaching faith to the next generation in your family?

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